Do Discounts Mean Sacrificing Coverage?
It has often been said, "You get what you pay for!" This is true of most things but not everything. Major companies like Geico or Government Employees Insurance Company, and Esurance, Liberty Mutual, 20th Century and others have enough members to offer discounts to many. There are a variety of ways to get discounts on insurance that do not mean sacrificing coverage.
The type of car you drive, having airbags, adding an alarm to the car, having anti-lock brakes, having a 3.0 or higher qualifies students in West Falmouth, MA 02574 for a discount, being a good driver -no tickets or accident for a 3-5 year period-, maintaining continuous coverage for at least six months, turning thirty, having good credit, parking the car in a secured garage, how many types of insurance you have with the company, living in a rural, low crime, or less crowded area all play a factor in the type of discounts you are eligible for. Each of these discounts requires no sacrifice in coverage at all. Another opportunity to discount your premium and not your coverage is joining a credit union or group that offers discounts, AAA, FFA, or even certain unions entitles you to a discount. There are groups that for a small fee will allow otherwise non members to join and then take advantage of discounted rates.
It is important to evaluate coverage from each individual company you are considering. While personalized service is terrific it may not be worth sacrificing guaranteed payment in the event of an accident. Check the company's rating the higher the grade the more likely your claims and concerns will be handled n a timely manner. Check for longevity, with the advent of the internet businesses pop up everyday. If the insurance company you are considering does not have a proven track record of supporting their clients by paying claims and avoiding litigation if possible then the discount is probably not enough to merit your attention.
There is no need to sacrifice quality in order to get a discount. You may spend a little extra time upfront researching the best deal but in the end you will have acquired a rate that offers quality and coverage.