Stolen Cars and Insurance Rates in Sebastopol, MS
Stolen cars are not a new idea. Thieves have been stealing cars in Sebastopol, MS for decades. These thieves don't just steal any cars - they are, of course, looking for cars that either have extra value for one reason or another and can net as much money as possible for the entire car or for parts.
There is a "Most Stolen Car" list as well, that many people are not aware of. The most stolen cars are on this list, and if your car is one of those types of cars on the list you could be paying more money for your car insurance. Of course, there are many factors that are taken into consideration when determining insurance rates, however if your car is likely to be stolen - at least more likely than the ordinary car - your rates could be higher than normal.
In the event that you are thinking about purchasing a car - or if you already have a car - we have a list below of the top ten most stolen cars from 2007. If you happen to have one of these model cars, it's not necessary for you to run out and get rid of it. If you have a garage, park the car inside it at night. Get a good car alarm - this automatically gives you a discount for your insurance on any car - and be aware of individuals around your neighborhood, especially if they are not usually there, don't live there, and/or just hanging around. Keep your car doors locked.
Park in a well-lit area (or in the garage as we already said). Don't leave your keys in the car - especially in the ignition. Don't leave anything of value in the car that would entice a thief to try to break in. Use a steering wheel lock or an electronic immobilizer (many newer cars come with these now). Install a "Low Jack" or other device. Get good insurance so that if the car is stolen you can replace it.
10 Most Stolen Cars in 2007
- 1995 Honda Civic
- 1991 Honda Accord
- 1989 Toyota Camry
- 1997 Ford F-150 Series Pickup
- 1994 Chevrolet C/K 1500 Pickup
- 1994 Acura Integra
- 2004 Dodge Ram Pickup
- 1994 Nissan Sentra
- 1988 Toyota Pickup
- 2007 Toyota Corolla
Source: National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) 2008
Even if your car is on the list - or even if it is not - it may or may not ever be stolen. No matter what type of car you drive the best thing is to do all you can to protect it and stay aware of things you can do to keep your car safe.